Remote Desktop Ip Virtualization on ESX/ESXi and above fails to function – workaround

In Remote Desktop Services 2008R2 there is a cool feature to assign an IP per session or program. After lot of testing I found out this does not work on ESX/i 4.x and above
Remote Desktop IP Virtualization for Windows 2008 R2 provisioned on ESX/ESXi and above fails to function

There is no workaround because I needed x64 for my Remote Desktop Host. There is no 32 bit 2008R2 anymore and de 2008 x86 without R2 does not have the IP Virtualization feature

Then I found on a forum a lot of suggestions

I’ve tried all of them but nothing.

But there is a solution 🙂

  1. Add new network adapter of type E1000
  2. Removed the VMXNET 3
  3. Remove VMware Tools, reboot.
  4. Disable Remote Desktop IP Virtualization.
  5. Reboot
  6. Enable Remote Desktop IP Virtualization.
  7. This worked.  -> Made a snapshot of this working version so I could revert to in case of problems
  8. Installed VMtools -> still good.
  9. Add VMXNET 3 adapter and disabled the E1000 -> still good 🙂





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  1. Remote Desktop Ip Virtualization on ESX/ESXi and above fails to function « BT Çözüm

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